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Datapower Soa Appliance Handbook Pdf
2020. 11. 4. 21:58

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IBM WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliance Handbook
by Bill Hines , John Rasmussen , Jaime Ryan , Simon Kapadia , Jim Brennan
IBM WebSphere DataPower SOA Appliance Handbook begins by introducing the rationale for SOA appliances and explaining how DataPower appliances work from network, security, and Enterprise Service Bus perspectives. Next, the authors walk through DataPower installation and configuration; then they present deep detail on DataPower’s role and use as a network device.
Datapower Soa Appliance Handbook Pdf
Using many real-world examples, the authors systematically introduce the services available on DataPower devices, especially the “big three”: XML Firewall, Web Service Proxy, and Multi-Protocol Gateway. They also present thorough and practical guidance on day-to-day DataPower management, including, monitoring, configuration build and deploy techniques.